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Zeno the Reckless

In 1923, Italo Svevo published "Zeno's Conscience." What makes that novel so special and relevant even today? Three characters: a writer (Mauro Covacich), a contemporary literature professor (Maria Cristina Benussi), and the curator of the Svevo Museum (Riccardo Cepach) in their Trieste, humorously ponder why such an improbable novel continues to be a reference point in Italian and international literature. The documentary was awarded Best Short Film at the Firenze Archeofilm Festival.


Year: 2023

Duration: 29'

Production: Agherose

Distribution: Rai FVG

Direction, screenplay, photography, editing: Davide Ludovisi

Festivasl: Bloomsday Film Festival,RAM Film Festival, Matera International Film Festival, Firenze Archeofilm, Aquileia Film Festival

Press review (selection):

Messaggero Veneto

Il Pais

Friuli Oggi

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