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Big John

Big John is in pieces. It needs to be reconstructed quickly, as it's worth millions of dollars. Big John is the largest triceratops dinosaur ever discovered. A small family-owned company in Trieste, Northern Italy, has very little time to prepare the immense skeleton for an international auction in Paris. For Flavio, his daughter Giorgia, and the entire team, it's a once-in-a-lifetime endeavor.



Year: 2023

Duration: 90'


DistributionChili; Rai FVG

Directors: Davide Ludovisi and Dorino Minigutti

Subject: Davide Ludovisi

Script: Davide Ludovisi and Dorino Minigutti

Photography: Debora Vrizzi

Editing: Benedetta Marchiori

Music: Marco Messina and Sacha Ricci

Bio to B
Sunny Side of the Doc
MONIFF - Monadnock International Film Festival

Premio Internazionale di Archeologia "Amedeo Maiuri"

Firenze Archeofilm


AOD grant selection

Menzione speciale Premio Internazionale di Archeologia "Amedeo Maiuri"


Press review (selection):

RAI - Radio3 - "Radio 3 Science" (1)

RAI - Radio3 - "Radio 3 Science" (2)

Wired Italy

Radar Magazine


Trieste News

Il Piccolo

Big John - poster
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